Join our Partner Program

Help spread the love of miniature painting on your website, blog, e-store or forum by joining our partnership program. Its easy, free and you can make lots of CASH!!!

Become a partner. No shipping. No Inventory Managment. No shopping cart integration

Partnership Program

If you sell unpainted miniatures or run a related e-store, website, blog or forum or if you're just a die-hard fan then this is your opportunity to bring the love of miniature painting to your community. Miniature Mentor is the world's first video library dedicated to the art of miniature painting and sculpting. Our in-depth tutorials feature instruction by some of the industrys leading artists like Laurent Exposito Mas, Dimitri Peyrard, Allan Carrasco, Romain Van Den Bogaert and Jennifer Haley. Come be a part of a revolution and help bring miniature painting to the world.

Questions and Answers

How does it work?

To become part of our partner program simply click the Become a Partner button at the top of the page. This will take you to e-junkie's website where you will be required to setup an account. Once you've signed up and verified your account, you will be required to place a banner advertising our products on your site, forum, e-store or blog. Now, anytime someone visits your site and clicks our banner to purchase our products you recieve a percentage of the sales. It's that easy. There is no inventory to track, nothing to ship, no shopping carts or complicated scripts to integrate. E-junkie takes care of all the complex e-commerce so you don't have to worry about it.

You are not authorized to re-sell, copy or distribute any of our products in any form for commercial gain. The partnership program is simply designed to pay you a royalty for advertising our products on your site.

How do you know if someone has purchased something through us?

You will recieve an email from e-junkie that moment a sale is made. Everytime someone clicks our banner on your site e-junkie places a bit of code on that users computer (called a cookie). When someone purchases our products and your cookie is present, that information gets passed along into our payment processor and you automatically get credited for the sale.

What if someone clicks the banner on our site but ends up purchasing your product months later?

The cookie that is placed on a users computer is good for up to 6 months. This means even if a customer does not purchase immediately, you still have the potential to get credited for the sale. As long as the cookie remains on their hard drive you will get a credit.

How could a cookie be removed from a users hard drive?

A cookie is not a permanent fixture on someone's computer. It can be removed if someone runs a virus check or spyware removal utility on their computer. Also, newer cookies override older ones. Lets illustrate this. Suppose John Smith visits your site and clicks the miniature mentor banner but does not purchase anything. A cookie is written to his hard drive and is passed along to the payment processor if a purchase is made within 6 months. Now lets suppose a few weeks later John visits another site that is also advertising our products. In this case the new cookie overwrites the old one and the site with the most recently stored cookie gets the credit for the sale.

What is the percentage we recieve and what products are eligible?

You recieve 10% for every instant download purchased up to a maximum of $200US per month. DVDs and subscriptions are not eligible for the partner program - only instant downloads.

When do we get paid and how do we know how much?

You recieve an instant email notification from the e-junkie server when a payment that orginated through your link occurs. We pay all outstanding accounts at the end of every calander month within 15 days. You can check how many sales have originated through your site by logging into your e-junkie account.

Can I cancel my membership?

Of course, simply remove the links in your site. Also, be aware your membership can be cancelled by us if we suspect missue.

Are we responsible for any defects or issues relating to your products?

Absolutely not. Miniature Mentor will take care of all issues and concerns regarding its producs.

Does this give us the right to provide your downloads on our site?

Absolutely not. You are not authorized to re-sell, copy or distribute any of our products in any form for commercial gain. The partnership program is simply designed to pay you a royalty for advertising our products on your site.

Vertical Banners

Here are a few sample banners you can use for your site. Copy the associated html and paste it in-between the button code you recieve from e-junkie. Click here for a detailed walk-through. If you need a custom banner just mail us the details.

partner banner1

Right click the above image, choose Properties from the menu and copy the Adress (URL) information. Paste this url in between the code you get from e-junkie.

Right click the above image, choose Properties from the menu and copy the Adress (URL) information. Paste this url in between the code you get from e-junkie.

Horizontal Banner

Right click the above image, choose Properties from the menu and copy the Adress (URL) information. Paste this url in between the code you get from e-junkie. If you need a custom banner just mail us the details.

Walk Through

step one First, click the button at the top of the page to signup for an e-junkie account. If you already have a seller account with e-junkie you do not need to open a new account - just click the button at the top of the page and login to your old account. You will be asked for an email and a password. We recommend setting up your e-junkie account with the same email that you use to log in to your PayPal account - this makes it easier for us to pay you. Of course, the password you choose should not be the same.

step two Once you have entered an account email and password you will be sent an auto-response email with the details of your account and an activation code. Activate your account by entering that code into the activation code input box.

step three After Activating your account you will be taken to your profile setting page. Here you will see your Login email and password. The other two boxes need to be filled out - the third box is optional. Under PayPal email enter the email you use to log in to your PayPal account if you have one. If you don't have a PayPal account simply re-enter the Login email into this box. This means that the e-junkie Login email and the PayPal email box will be the same in both situations. If you don't have a PayPal account don't worry - we can send money to any email adress. However, having a PayPal account makes this a little smoother.

step fourThis is the admin page - take a moment to familiarize yourself with the location of the indicated commands. Here you can edit your profile, get our button code and view your earnings/sales reports. In order to setup your banner properly - to recieve credit for your referals - we will now click on the "Get Affiliate Code" button.

step fiveSelect your Merchant. Select Miniature Mentor from the drop-down box. Chances are it will be the only affiliate listed. Click get Affiliate Code.

step sixThis part may be a little confusing. The system asks you to select a product from the drop-down menu. However, since all the products on our site are listed on the same page and since none of our banners are for a specific tutorial, choosing a specific product here is inaccurate. Remember, you will be credited for any and all eligible products that are purchased while your cookies are intact in the users cache. For consistancy simply leave the first product selected - "Advanced Tutorials One : Download". Submit your selection.

step sevenHere is the code that you need to put into your website, blog, e-store or forum. Unfortunately, if you copy and paste it "as is" visitors to your site will only see a text link proclaiming "click here for more informaiton".

This is not very informative or interesting since it says nothing about Miniature Mentor or our products. There are 3 things you need to do in order to make this link work with a banner (like the ones above). You will need to have a plain text editor like notepad or an html editor open to do this.

Lets illustrate this. First, copy the entire code and paste it into notepad or your html editor. Remove the section of text from this link that reads "click here to view more details".

Second, right click one of the banners at the top and select properties. Then highlight and copy the Adress (URL) information there. Also, make a note of the Dimensions of the image they are listed as Width x Height - for this example lets assume you use the horizontal banner where the width is 728 pixels in width by 90 pixels in height.

Paste this url into notepad aswell - just keep it away from the e-junkie code for now. Next, we need to modify this banner link a bit. Cut and paste the following code to the begining of the banner link...

<img src="

and the following code to the end of the banner link...

" width="xxx" height="xxx" />

since we know the width and height of the above banner we will replace the width="xxx" with width ="728" and height="xxx" with height="90". You must replace the "xxx" placeholder with the proper values.

Now with the banner link modified, place this entire code into the place where you removed "click here to view more details". That's it. This is the code that you will need to add to your web-site to start making money.

Of course, this specific link is attached to the email and will not work for you so don't use it. You will need to make your own link using the steps above. Cheers!

This affiliate link opens a new window so it will not navigate away from your site. The page containing your site will still be active.

Miniature Mentor ©. All rights reserved 2007.